by Beauty Glitch | Jun 2, 2019 | Beauty, Health
Are you looking to refresh your face? Even with the best in healthy lifestyles, age and sun exposure can take a toll on our best facial features. While surgical procedures do offer a number of great benefits, there are many non-surgical procedures that can help you to...
by Beauty Glitch | May 27, 2019 | Fitness, Health
Do you want to know how the secret to looking gorgeous through the years? It’s about living a lifestyle that promotes fitness and health; and it’s not even difficult to do. That’s right; you need to stop thinking about fitness as a grueling workout session that burns...
by Beauty Glitch | May 19, 2019 | Health, Life style
Chicken Month You’ve loved to see them in farms, and you’ve loved to see them on your plate! Everyone loves chickens. And what better to celebrate chickens than by naming an entire month after them! That’s right – September is officially Chicken month! Share our love...
by Beauty Glitch | May 19, 2019 | Fitness, Health
Yoga Exercise Yoga is a 5000-year-old Indian body of knowledge, but the scientific benefits of yoga have been validated over the years. In the last few decades, the importance of yoga and meditation has seen an upsurge in its popularity. Not only has research proved...
by Beauty Glitch | Apr 29, 2019 | Health
Whether you have made up your mind to undergo labiaplasty to relieve discomfort or for aesthetic reasons, knowing details about the procedure can help you prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Particularly, when it comes to recovery and...
by Beauty Glitch | Apr 29, 2019 | Health, How to
It can often seem impossible to lose weight and lead a healthy lifestyle when your life consists of being stuck behind a desk. With increasing threats to your health, such as heart attacks and weight gain, action needs to be taken now. Making small changes to your...